New gravity model by
David W. Allan introduces an energy density component and diallel,
gravitational-field lines as part of new Unified Field Theory
"Physicists have already
brought most of the forces of nature into a single underlying
theory. The ultimate theory will incorporate gravity as
well." |
-- Steven Weinberg, TIME,
April 10, 2000; p. 86 |
One of the biggest questions that has puzzled mankind
throughout the ages is how gravity works. This new gravitational theory not
only explains how gravity works, but shows how errors can arise in determining
the positions of space probes, in determining the mass of the earth and other
planets and in determining the value of G, the universal gravitational
constant. This new theory of gravity is part of a more general Unified Field
Theory (UFT) that shows how all of the known force fields work together. Once
understood, this new UFT explains several heretofore unexplained phenomena in
nature. In this brief write up, we will only deal with the gravitational part
of the UFT.
John Anderson and colleagues of NASA JPL, experts in the determination of
spacecraft positioning, have published discrepancies observed in the locations
of Pioneer 10, Pioneer 11 and of the Ulysses solar probe. (Anderson, 1998,
Katz, 1999, Murphy, 1999) To date these discrepancies have not been fully
explained. Anderson has raised the question as to whether there is a
fundamental problem in our understanding of gravity or in the timing provided
by the atomic clocks as part of the Deep Space Network (DSN), which tracks the
space probes. The space vehicles exhibit a pull toward the sun greater than
current theory would predict by about 2e-8 cm/s2.
The general model now being used to describe the gravitational field
proposes that gravitational waves run transverse to the direction of
propagation of the gravitational energy. As predicted by Einstein,
gravitational energy would travel at the velocity of light. To date, no
experiments have been able to directly measure gravitational waves or even
detect them, but from the interaction of the gravitational forces between a
binary pulsar pair, Professor Joseph Taylor (Princeton U.) was able to deduce
Einstein's prediction that the gravitational energy travels at the velocity of
light. (Taylor, 1994--Nobel prize 1993)
Currently, many hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent , and
hundreds of millions are now being sought, by an international university and
investigative consortium in order to continue their research into gravity
waves and to unravel the mysteries of gravity. It is our hope and belief that
our work will bring further enlightenment to this challenge and provide the
necessary, but different, perspective needed to understand gravity. The most
significant aspect of this new theory is the discovery of diallel,
gravitational-field lines. These diallel lines open up a whole new
paradigm and help to explain several, heretofore, unexplainable problems in
physics. With a new perspective we need some new physics. Papers are in
preparation for publication to explain some of this new physics, and some
information is available on our web site []
In this new theory, two things are required for gravity to work. First, two
bodies of some energy density to interact with each other, and second,
connecting diallel lines which provide not only particle flow between the
bodies, but also the flow of photon and gravitational information as well.
In chemistry and molecular spectroscopy we take for granted the seven
electron shells that describe the energy states of electrons in their various
atomic and molecular configurations. These seven shells along with the number
of protons, neutrons and electrons give us all of our elements and isotopes of
which we are aware. As these seven shells include all the electrons
configurations around an atom or molecule, similarly, there are seven
channels or states of conductivity for the diallel lines included in
the new theory of gravity and in the UFT. These diallel lines are made of
the same matter, and can serve as a conduit for any and all of the fundamental
particles, as well as for photons.
The diallel lines are the conduits for the gravity information as well
bringing about the interaction between the two bodies. Just as a magnetic
field requires no particles to make the field, so there is no graviton
required to make a gravity field. In the same way that a moving charge sets up
a condition for the generation of a magnetic field, a certain set of
conditions will generate a gravitational field. The minimum conditions require
two bodies, each with some level of energy density, together with a flow of
charged particles along the diallel lines connecting these two bodies. The
moving charges and particles in the diallel lines set up the necessary
condition for the gravitational information to flow between the two bodies
providing the gravitational interaction. The velocity of the gravitational
information is a function of the conditions typically at or faster than
the velocity of light.
The frequency of this gravitational information is located in a band just
above that of the cosmic rays that are associated with particle annihilation
and generation. Like light, the velocity of gravity information is dependent
on local circumstances. In the same manner that photons are associated with
quantum transitions and all particles exist (interactively) in quantum states,
the diallel lines have quantum states in which both particles and
gravitational information travel. As particles and photons can be absorbed,
refracted, or reflected, so can diallel lines when given the right local
circumstances. A classic illustration of the refraction or bending of these
diallel lines was determined by a team from the University of Alaska, who
observed the bending of electron flow above extremely energetic thunderstorm
activities. As will be seen below, the equations of state describing the
fields for diallel lines contain the possibility for sign reversal, i.e. anti
gravity or gravitational shielding.
Some additional perspectives are useful to appreciate aspects of the new
physics needed for this new theory. We have long established in quantum
physics the dual nature of matter: a particle can behave like a wave.
Similarly, a photon, which is basically an electromagnetic bundle of energy
oscillating at a particular frequency, can also behave as a particle. The
electromagnetic field associated with a photon has no charge, and its energy
is proportional to its frequency. The gravitational information cannot be
considered as a particle or a bundle of energy per se. Operating above the
cosmic frequency band, this gravitational information is communicated in a way
not heretofore appreciated. We cannot write E = hv to describe its
energy, and we need a new set of equations associated with this flow of
In summary then, the conditions needed for the gravitational field are two
objects with some energy density (not just mass) and with diallel lines
running between these two energy-density objects, which diallel lines are
conducting particles, i.e. electrons, protons, neutrons, etc. These diallel
lines then provide a conduit for the gravitational band of frequencies to
communicate and generate a gravitational interaction between the two objects.
Much like our circulatory and respiratory systems breath and pulse to sustain
life, so these diallel lines are the communication channels to provide (pulse
and breath in analogy) a balance, harmony and the function of nature.
The traditional gravitational equation is:

The product of the masses is divided by the distance between theme squared,
and "G" is the well known constant of proportionality the
universal gravitational constant. According to this equation. The acceleration
of gravity that we feel on the earth is given by Gm1/r122
(= 9.8 m/s2 nominally at the surface of the earth) if m1
is the mass of the earth and m2 is mass of the person feeling the
acceleration. What we feel when standing is nominally this force since we are
constrained to walk about on the earth. If the material surface of the earth
were not constraining us, we would then free-fall, accelerating toward the
center of mass of the earth.
Given the new theory, the attraction is a function of the energy-density,
which, of course, includes the mass. The above traditional equation is a
subset of the new. The new equation for gravitational force replaces
the masses by the integral over the density and is as follows:

It is fascinating that at C.U. where they have created new matter called
Bose-Einstein condensate, the velocity of light in this condensate can be
almost as slow as the velocity of sound. It would be instructive to perform
diallel line experiments in conjunction with B-E condensate matter. This
high-density material could lead to some interesting validations of this new
UFT due to the higher energy densities present.
The work of Dr. Ning Li at the University of Alabama at Huntsville is
particularly fascinating also, as she is doing high frequency work with super
conductors and investigating the quantum states associated with the gravity
fields. She has not yet published her full theory, and her work appears to be
among the most promising. (See references below)
As the electrons travel along diallel lines, they spin clockwise in a
variety of quantum states. Anti-gravity comes as a result of spinning the
electrons in the opposite direction. This is like and in conjunction with the
creation of anti-matter. By so doing, one gets a negative sign from the A2 term in the above equation, for
example, creating an upward rather than a downward force. This is somewhat
analogous to a magnetic field being used to suspend objects.
Papers are available on the UFT, and both validating experiments and theory
for the above gravitational interaction are available. These papers may be
obtained by request.
Several experiments are planned and some
now are being prepared.