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Relevant Excerpt from Unpublished Unified Field Theory Paper

Data correlation between planets' changing magnetic polarities and sun spot activity.

David W. Allan, Ranae Lee and Jeff Lorbeck
December 20, 1999

to supplement
Planetary Alignment and Magnetic Field Interaction

Sunspot Activity, Magnetic Fields and Planetary Positions

According to equation (1) above the flow of electrons from the sun to the planets will be a function of the energy-density presented by the planets to the sun. The sun is the source, the planets the sink for this electron flow. When in balance, this electron flow is like food to the earth bringing about the balance of nature most desirable for life.

At the core of the sun is a sustained nuclear fusion process, which is influenced by the electron flow. As the electron flow increases, the energy released in thermo-nuclear fusion increase, and some of this energy propagates readily along the diallel, gravitational-field lines of the sun to its surface -- triggering the sunspot activity where nuclear fission and numerous other molecular and chemical processes take place. These processes also contribute directly to electron emission from the sun. The ionosphere of the earth, for example, is impacted directly by the solar activity at the surface of the sun.

The conductance to electrons presented by the planets mainly draws electrons from the sun along their magnetic-field lines, but also accepts electrons emitted by the sun's surface along diallel, gravitational-field lines. This is because the flow is a direct function of the energy-density per equation (1), and hence where there is the highest concentration of diallel field lines for this conductance, there will be the greatest flow of electrons.

Both the magnetic field of a planet as well as its energy density at the core will be key contributors to the conductance presented. Since the direction of spiraling for the electrons is the same for the diallel, gravitational-field lines as for the north magnetic field lines, the presentation of the north magnetic pole causes a greater attraction of electrons than the presentation of the south magnetic pole to the sun. Hence, the seasons of the planets are important to this electron flow, as are the spin tilt axes, as well as their position in their inclined orbital plane. A highly non-linear situation exists here because the flow of electrons directly affects the magnetic field while the magnetic field affects the attraction of electrons from the sun. In addition, the electron flow through a planet affects the fission process at the center for those that have this process taking place.

Historically, the solar magnetic field has reversed direction about every 11 years -- nominally synchronous with the sunspot cycle. So the north magnetic pole of the sun has repeated about every 22 years -- at least in the recent recorded past. The period of 22 years is by no means precise, and solar maxima have not been well predicted to much better than about a year out of the 11 year half cycle (a solar maximum occurs once per half cycle). Barnes, in fact, has shown that the solar activity can be well modeled as narrow-band filtered noise, which is completely consistent with this new unified field theory. [ref Dr. James A. Barnes] In other words, the peaks and valleys of the solar cycle vary greatly in magnitude and duration from cycle to cycle as they depend on the position and tilt of each planet and its conductance presented for this electron flow.

Given the significant amount of variability, this new theory provides a plausible driving mechanism for the reversal of the magnetic poles of the sun as well as for the magnitude and duration of the solar activity level. Furthermore, it can lead to much better predictability of not only the solar maxima, but also of their duration and magnitude. In addition, this theory gives rise for a mechanism for the magnetic field of the planets to change and reverse.

The explanation is as follows: according to equation (1), the position of the planets in the solar system with respect to each other and with respect to the sun determine the flow of electrons along the diallel lines and along magnetic field lines. It is like having paths of conductivity and resistivity for the solar emissions as the planets move with respect to the spin axis of the sun and with respect to each other. Here, we have to account for both the tilt angle of the planets as well as their orbital planes as we look at conductivity and resistivity for emission electron paths. The sun is the source, the planets are the sinks and their parallel augmentation directly affects the effective conductivity -- hence the flow (quantity) of electrons.

As an illustrative example, the periods of the planets and their harmonic relationship to the period of the solar sunspot cycle are shown in the following table.

Planets' Periods and Ratio to Solar Magnetic Cycle

Planet Period Ratio
88 days
224.7 days
1.0 year
1.88 years
11.86 years
29.46 years
84.01 years
164.8 years
Harmonic Relationship between Planets' Periods
and Solar Magnetic Cycle

In general terms, we see these integer harmonic relationships between the main planet periods and the solar magnetic period of 22 years. The inference is that 22 years is in a harmonic relationship with the periods of the planets. According to our new unified field theory the electron flow in the solar system along diallel, gravitational-field lines will be impacted directly by these harmonic relationships as the planets increase and decrease their susceptibility to electrons from the sun -- since it is the source. This will then cause a repeat in the direction of electron flow through the center of the sun with a 22 year period. The planets being nominally out of phase on the 11 year half cycle will induce a reversal of the magnetic field.

All of the gas-giant planets plus the earth have significant magnetic fields. Aurora have been observed on Jupiter and Saturn. These magnetic fields increase the electron receptivity of these planets significantly, and they are principal in their harmonic relationships with the solar magnetic cycle. Here the A2 term in equation (1) becomes very important as we consider energy flow (electrons especially) along parallel diallel gravitational-field lines as a pair of planets with significant magnetic fields comes into alignment with the sun.

Using the software developed by William Riley [Riley] for characterizing the performance of the clocks used in the Global Positioning System (GPS), all of the recorded sunspot activity data were analyzed to look for planetary resonances. See Figure 6. As one looks at the plot, one sees peaks and valleys for sigma -- the frequency stability. Sigma minimum values (valleys) can occur when J is equal to the period (1/frequency) of a periodic phenomena that is present in the data. The first major minimum corresponds to 10 times the orbit period of the Earth, 5 times the orbit period of Mars, and to the orbit period of Jupiter. The second minimum corresponds to the 22 year period of the sunspot cycle. The third minimum corresponds to the orbit period of Saturn. The J values are not long enough to detect the orbit periods of Uranus and Neptune. If one studies the stability data in detail, very slight minima occur at the orbit period J values for the Earth and Mars.

Since the periods, Ji, of the planets are well known, one can form the following equation as a model for the magnetic field conductance for the ith planet:

Ci = Ai cos(2Bt/Ti + Bi) *

*" B" should read "pi"

All the planets except Mercury, Venus and Pluto seemed to have significant magnetic coefficients. See the web site for more detail []. According to equation (1) the value of Bi should correspond with north-magnetic pole solstice for a planet, in other words, when the north-magnetic pole is facing the sun to the greatest extent. This was tested for the Earth, Jupiter and Saturn. The average agreed to about 1 percent of a cycle with a standard deviation of 15 percent. Like the sun, the data give evidence that the magnetic poles of Jupiter and Saturn are also changing. It appears that Saturn's field has changed this century and Jupiter's is changing slowly. Currently, the magnetic field direction for Jupiter and Saturn are opposite that of the Earth, and Jupiter's is slowly increasing.

Because of the highly non-linear nature of the conductance causing the electron flow from the sun, frequency differences are also present in the data. It seems that the principle term in the sunspot cycle is due to the difference (or beat) frequency between the changing magnetic field of Jupiter and Jupiter's orbit frequency.

Again according to equation(1), the parallel portion given by the equation shows itself in a fundamental way as a pair of planets line up with the sun. This occurs frequently and adds significantly to the electron flow from the sun and hence in the model to the sunspot activity. For example, the big sunspot peak around 1960 is centered with the alignment of Jupiter and Neptune. Since Jupiter's magnetic field appears to be increasing, which is consistent with the two sets of Voyager data, the magnetic field of Neptune must be decreasing -- to explain the sunspot data observed.

A model was developed using the planetary data as an estimate of the driving mechanism for the sunspot data. The actual and the model of the sunspot data are shown in the figure for this century. The model is projected through the year 2,000. See Figure 7.

Alignment of the Planets, 5 May 2000

There has been a lot of discussion about the coming nominal alignment of the planets on 5 May 2000. Classical gravitational theory predicts a small and relatively insignificant impact on earth tides and weather patterns from this alignment.

From this new unified field theory, the principal issue is the alignment of Jupiter and Saturn, which actually occurs about 13 June 2000. Numerous similar alignments have taken place during the 1900s. The 5 May alignment is as follows taking the line between the sun and Jupiter as zero degrees and measuring counter-clockwise from a north pole view: Mercury is +20, Venus +22, earth +192.5, and Mars is +340 degrees. The line between Jupiter and Saturn, which is the important one according to this new theory is -10 degrees on that date. The parallel part of equation(1) tells us that the closer the alignment the more significant the effect is on the conductivity of electrons from the sun and the resulting energy-density, so the important date is 13 June 2000.

Fortunately, since the Earth will be on the opposite side of the sun from Jupiter and Saturn, the principle conductivity path will then be away from us. If the earth were in that path, it would be party to this heavy electron flow and would be impacted quite significantly. But with the earth being on the opposite side, the earth will receive the secondary effect from the build up of the sunspot activity. That is to say, the 13 June alignment could significantly impact our ionosphere, which could affect communications and space probes.

In addition, the resulting excess electron flow around the date of 13 June 2000 along with the extra core heating of the Earth due to the accumulated effects of all the nuclear bomb testing activity integrated since the 1940s may cause an increase in the probability of earth quakes, volcanoes and increased weather activity. During this time the Aurora Borealis for the earth could become very large. This could also be true for Jupiter and Saturn.

Return to Unified Field Theory index

See also:

Alignment of Planets and Magnetic Field-Sun Interactions - Magnetic field interactions in planet alignments more significant than the gravity tugs.
Increased Solar Flare Activity and Planet Alignment Correlated
New Theory of Gravity - New gravity model by David W. Allan introduces an energy density component and diallel, gravitational-field lines as part of new Unified Field Theory.

Page Created May 5, 2000
Last updated February 07, 2004

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